Friday, June 22, 2012

The Boy & The Chick

I am still doting over the awesome time we had visiting my Dad & family in Texas! A couple of our highlights was seeing the kids get excited about the animals on my family's Ranch! JJ was particularly fond of a little chick! This little chick brought a lot of expressions out of my son, similar to his 1st Shower! When going through some of the pictures I could not help but smile and even laugh out loud when I came to these. Here they are and my thoughts of what my Son trying to communicate:
What? No big deal it's just a chick Mommy.
I'll show you it's no big deal and get distracted by something else.
See I can multitask too!
Alright back to focusing on the bird. Maybe I will pray for the chicky to have a prosperous life.
Now I will sing to the chicky my favorite song. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you....
Mom I have a question: Can we take Chicky home?
Please, I will love him like my own!
The boy was having a grand ole time! The chick on the other hand was chirping pretty loud. The boy not only has strong expressions but also a strong grip. I had to tell my brothers to take the chick away from the boy. The boy did not mind he just moved onto the next animal....

1 comment:

  1. It good when your child learn to be gentle with the Chick. Sometimes they do not even know their own strength and seeing how he was able to hold it and not hurt it showing he is very thoughtful and caring. Good job :)


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