Monday, July 16, 2012


Play-date (noun): Playdates are becoming part of the vernacular of popular culture and form a part of children’s "down time." Most parents prefer children to use these hours to form friendships by playing with other children either one-on-one or within small groups. When children are very young, most parents stay for the playdate and use the time to form their own friendships and parental alliances.

Before I had kids whenever I heard the word play-date I thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

Now that I am a mother and we have weekly play dates I have come to realize that it is not always the cutest thing.

Especially when your kid is not being such a lovely play mate. Boy has been having consistent playmates with my friends daughter for almost a year.

It was definitely not love at first sight for these two.

Boy has been the primary attacker at our play dates multiple times. I thought my friend would not want to have play-dates with me anymore.

I Thank God for my friend, a good Mother that is rational and realizes that he is just a 2 year old.

Like her own 2 year old, sometimes they have bad days, they are learning, and we are called to work through it & with them.

I am glad to write that as our year anniversary of play dates is approaching we are seeing much improvement.

These two are starting to play much better together....

They might even love each other!


  1. Two is a special age when kids try to prove to the world that they are the boss :) It's getting better already and will get even better int he future! They just learn how to socialize and it's so great that you let him start early!

  2. Happy Wednesday! I'm so glad you linked up/followed my blog...I just followed back. I've been "poking" around and I'm loving your blog!!! You have a beautiful family.

  3. I don't think they could get any cuter! Following you back from Sassy Shopper Reviews! :)

  4. Aww sweet!! I remember those play date days well!!!Thanks for the follow, following you back and enjoying your blog!

  5. I'm following from the Naptime Review blog hop. Beautiful blog and beautiful family, and had a chance to read some really interesting posts (loved your first ever thanksgiving and the 1st ball game). I would really appreciate a follow back.

    One Chic Mom


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