Friday, September 13, 2013

1st day of Preschool!!???

The day finally came that we let go, just a little. JJ started preschool this week!

After praying , thinking, and talking Mr. Wonderful and I knew it was time. For the past 4 years of JJ's life he has been at home with us and his Grandma D!

He is scheduled to begin Kindergarden in Fall 2014. We have looked at all our options(home school,private, and public). After many discussions and going to God we have finally come to peace and rest in our hearts. We decided that public preschool and elementary is the best for our family and our kids.

Realizing that we can always change our decision if peace is not there or if God speaks.

We found a great elementary just around the corner from us with a great Public Parent-Coop program.

This means we will be in the classroom every-week and have a great community with the other kids & parents.

We wanted JJ to get some classroom experience before he starts next year. God provided a great & affordable preschool program for us to be apart! He will be going 3 times a week just for 3 hours a day.

I thought I was 100% ready for this day.

We have been explaining to JJ for the last 2 months that he would be starting Pre-K.

The Boy has been very excited and asking when he would start everyday!

Everything was going well and then it was time to say good bye.

I looked at my 1st born and all my thoughts started to roll. I started to go down memory lane and remember bringing him home from the hospital, his 1st time crawling, lst steps, his first words, and the tears started to stream down. Thank God I had my sunglasses  on and JJ did not see me cry. I turned to Mr. Wonderful and explained that I could not control my emotions. He told me to try to hold it in until we got in the car.
JJ had his tears roll too and we gave him a hug good bye.
I cried hard and long after we got in the car and back home. As I prayed to God. I realized that I was totally at peace and was happy with JJ starting school but the problem was that it hurt that he has grown up so so fast.
A couple hours later we picked him up. He had a great 1st day and his teachers said he did well! He is excited to go back and I think I am getting stronger.

1 comment:

  1. OK your preschool Blog is making me want to tear up -and I know better!!! It also made me smile. He does look so grown up sitting in the circle with the other kids. Another great job capturing the memories to highlight over time! :


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