My husband has left his 20s! Everybody knows that entering your 30s is really big. One thing that I have observed and noticed from friends and family that entered their 30s that it is a time of reflection. It could be good and/or bad reflection. For some it can be hard because they thought that they should of been somewhere else, accomplished more, or even be someone more than what they believe they are at 30. With this said I did not want Wes to think like this and I really wanted Wes to feel blessed as he entered his 30's. I wanted him to see what he meant to others. I believe God created us to be relational and we are designed to desire relationships. I wanted Wes to see what he meant to his friends and family. To get this accomplished I asked the majority of his close friends and family to give me 1 word that described Wes and briefly explain why they chose that word. It was perfect because I ended up with 3o words. With the 30 words I ran with the theme Happy 3o words Birthday Wes! I wanted Wes to not focus on the 3o candles on his birthday cake but on the 3o words that were given to describe him. I hung a big banner in the backyard with 3o words, I labeled the drinks with the 3o words, I labeled the food with the 30 words, I labeled the sweet treats with the 30 words, and I even labeled his birthday cake with one of the 3o words. Some of the 3o words were funny, some were serious, and some were just encouraging! At the party I incorporated the 3o words in a game where Wes was able to hear the reason why all 30 words were chosen by each individual person. These are all 3o words that were given:
1. Perseverance , steadfast, real, faithful and consistent, the claw, germ a phobic, encouraging, committed, humble and encouraging, generosity, loving, honest, daddy, motivating, hilarious, white-chocolate, comedian, Godly, selfless, caring, faithful, solid, fearless, curious, amazing, Interchangeable puzzle piece, brother, patience, genuine, and faithful(stated more than once).
Here are a couple examples of what friends and family wrote to explain their words:
Steadfast: It has a couple of definitions but at it's core it defines Wes as a man that is firm in purpose, firm in belief and determination, unbendable, unshakable, firm in convictions with unbendable perseverance and unwavering loyalty. Wes, I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I miss you bro. Lastly, let's not forget the perfect synonym of STEADFAST is FAITHFUL and no one can find a more faithful man than you Wes. Much Love , Marino Infante
White-Chocolate: When I think of white-chocolate I think of classy, smooth, and original, and not to mention the first time I met him in training I knew he had to have jungle-fever, and his wife was going to beautiful. I was not surprised at all when I met Jonnique:-) Happy birthday brotha, love and appreciate you bro. God has blessed you with so much and I know you make Him so proud. Have a great day:-)- Robert Johnson
Germ a phobic comes to mind cuz he is constantly washing his & boy boy aka JJ hands and reading labels in the refrigerator haha. ~ Marquette
Humble and encouraging...I don't think I have ever met someone so quick to repent as Wes. And I mean that in the most genuine way! It takes a secure man who knows who he is in Christ to be so willing to admit and rectify even the smallest of offenses. That had always been something that has stuck with me and I've always aspired to be more like Wes (and Christ) in that way...Wes has always been so free to give encouragement to those around him...I can think of numerous times when he's personally encouraged me over the years and has truly blessed my heart! Most recently, when we went to Austin, I believe the Lord used Wes to encourage me in church. I think that encouragement was a catalyst to that amazing "moment" our table had in Kirby life was changed on that trip and Wes had a key role in that. But honestly, that's not the first time and I'm sure that Wes has impacted others in the same way over the years! I'm so blessed to have such a unique and special friendship with both of you! Happy Birthday!! Kim Takatsuki

Slowly but surely everyone started to arrive to Wes' 30 words Birthday celebration. It is always fun spending time with all of our family and close friends. Time flew by....
The time finally came to pray and fill our belly's with all the 30 words delicious labeled food that were prepared by Wes' Dad, Uncle, Mom, Mother In-law, and Wife!
It was then time to sing Happy Birthday to Wes. We song the original Happy Birthday song and the Stevie Wonder version led by my Mom, my sister, and I! The funny thing was that JJ thought we were singing to him:) We all enjoyed the delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie cake and Chocolate Chip cookies made by Mrs Fields and Mrs Bell!
Wes hates being the center of attention but we all agreed it was time to open gifts. When I asked Wes months ago what he wanted for his birthday. He told me all he wanted was Nike Outlet gift card. Needless to say he opened a lot of gift cards and Nike's stocks went up with all the money people paid for Wes' wish!

His Mom and Dad was the only one's that did not get him a Nike Outlet gift card. Instead they blessed him with an all expense paid 4 day fishing trip to Lake Mammoth. Donna(Wes' mom) told him he was going on this trip through a beautiful poem that she wrote about Wes and his 3o years of life. It was a very beautiful poem and Wes was touched by the poem and the gift. Wes is so excited about his trip next month. I will be left behind with the kids for the 1st time. Not to worry, his Mom and my Mom will be here to help on those 4 days.
Wes then took the time to say Thank you from the bottom of his heart for all the gifts, love, and words given to him on his 3oth Birthday!
To end the night off right Wes got his one and only wish that he made for his play the LIAR's Dice game. It was so fun and congratulations to Trav for winning.

Wes and I just want to say thank you to everyone who contributed to blessing him on his 30th Birthday!
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