We can not believe it, but it is true. JJ is 1/2 a year old! He is keeping us busy and we are having so much fun seeing him grow. Here is one day in the shoes(or I should say socks) of our 6 month year old that I recorded this week:
0630- Wakes up cooing and talking in his crib. Mommy and Daddy smile at eachother and continue to sleep until he wines.
0730am- JJ has his first bottle
0800am- JJ goes for a walk with Mommy around Lake Murray
1000am- JJ has his first baby food feeding(peas,pears, rice cereal mixed together) followed by a bottle
1100am- JJ takes his first nap
0100pm- JJ wakes up to another bottle and then is placed in his swing
0200pm- JJ has tummy time and plays with his toys
0300pm- JJ is read a book by Mommy and then placed in his pack n play, where he takes his 2nd short nap
0400pm- JJ has another solid feeding
0500pm- JJ is placed in his walker and watches Mommy cook in the kitchen
0600pm- JJ is placed in his bouncer to watch Momma and Daddy eat dinner
0630pm- JJ has playing time with Daddy
0730pm- JJ is given his last bottle and falls asleep in Daddy's arm. JJ is then placed in his crib and prayed over to have a good night rest!
*JJ is not actually eating the pear in the picture above...he loves to suck the juices from apples and pears...no teeth yet to eat:)