These and many more are the questions that have been running through my mind lately. We are 7 weeks away from meeting our little JoElle.Although I am very excited to meet her, I feel overwhelmed sometimes when I think too long and hard about what this next season has for us.
Then I hear God's voice say that it will all work out because his grace is sufficient and his power is made perfect in weakness . I also know that so many people have 2 kids under the age 2 in this world. And we also have many friends that have encouraged us and have got through it victoriously. Wes continually encourages me that it will be okay and that we just need to make it through the first big hump of sleepless nights. He also tells me that it will be a little bit easier because we know what to expect this time from a newborn. Last but not least, our parents and family remind us that they are here to assist and help.
With all this said I have decided to spend these last 7 weeks enjoying my 1(our JJ), enjoying napping when my 1 naps, being 1 on 1 with him, preparing food for 1 kid, waking up to 1 kid, watching 1 kid grow everyday, letting 1 kid melt my heart with his sweet spirit, going to the park with 1 kid, going to story time with 1 kid, playing games and peek a boo with 1 kid, and enjoying 1 kid with my husband.
I will let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. I will enjoy the end of this season and be grateful for the special moments with JJ. In a month and a half I will no longer be a Mommy of 1 but a Mommy of 2!!!!!!!!!!!!