Had an interview with a Hospital in the Bay Area last week. This job would provide a great opportunity for my career as a Nurse, a great opportunity for our family to move to the bay area to be closer to both of our families, and this will also be a great opportunity for Wes to achieve his goal of returning back to school.
Just got off the phone with the Manger that interviewed me last week. After the interview and speaking with my references they offered me the job! I accepted on the spot.
After getting off the phone Wes and I took some time to Thank God. We know that he truly has our steps ordered. It has been a road of patience and faith. We have been trying to move to the Bay Area for the last 7 months. Now we have about 4 more weeks left in San Diego.
This is bitter but very sweet to us. San Diego is the place where I began my Christian life, began my Nursing Career, I began my marriage, I began my journey of Motherhood, and last but not least learned what true friendships really means from all of my great relationships.
Thank you God for our past in San Diego with Friends and our Future in the Bay Area with Family!