It has been a long and scary week for our family. JJ was admitted to the hospital on September 12th for dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Because he is so young and had not had his shots they had to test him for everything. All the test came back negative and the Doctors think that he just caught a virus. He is now eating a whole whole lot, keeping everything down, no more vomiting, and has gained 2lbs since he was admitted(we love the rolls that are forming on his thighs). This will be his first day home and we are just so thrilled to have him back and not have the hospital as our 2nd home anymore. The house seemed so empty without him.
After going through all this we are so thankful to have such a healthy baby boy. The Doctors and Nurses kept on stating that JJ was one of the strongest babies they have ever seen. We are so glad that we have a fighter and that through all the test and drawing of blood he is still smiling. The joy of the Lord is truly his strength.
A special thanks to ALL of our parents and siblings who were our number one supporters through this whole ordeal. Mom(Donna, Teri, Frances) and Dad(John and Jim) your presence, cooking, cleaning, prayers, and love really helped us get through this long week.
We also want to specifically thank Pastor Dave, The Colemans, Beverly Buffini, Sally Stance, Roxy Price, LaDonna, Maria, and Aunt Kit for your continual encouraging phone calls, hospital visits, and food that you guys blessed us with. These things touched our hearts so so much.
Thank you also to everyone else, our friends and family that texted, prayed, and called this last week it really meant a whole lot.
Please continue to pray for JJ's health we are awaiting for some metabolic test results to return next week, but we are believing they will also be negative. And we are claiming that we will not have to spend the night in the hospital until our next child is born :)
YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Praise God, i've really been praying for him...God is sooo GOOD!!! I mean, how awesome is our God, he's letting JJ conquer giants even in his infant stage! To JJ, little man u r such a blessing from God and a warrior...The spirit of the Lord is upon you to preach the good news and because of that, U r already strong in the Lord, U r already overcoming adversity, & U r already becoming a little man of faith and valor! I'm sooo excited to see the great things that God will do in you and thru you, the lives you will change and the people you will lead...You were definitely born for a time such as this, has not the Lord God called you to rule and reign! : D...Alright baby JJ I'll stop writing you a book now : D, so yeah, jus want to say I luv u much and I'm soo glad ur home, and to Jonnique & Wes, the Lord bless ya'll for keeping the faith and staying confident of his ability to heal and provide, and he will continue to meet all of your needs according to his riches and glory! luv u guys, will call soon! ; )
We are soooooo happy for you guys. You are such a strong couple and family. Your prayers are heard and answered, everything is fine with little JJ. He is so cute. We love you. the Oluwo family
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (prov.3:5)
Vertraue auf den Herrn mit deinem ganzen Herzen und stuetze dich nicht auf deinen Verstand.(sprueche 3,5)
Yay! Praise Jesus Baby JJ is home! :)
Happy for you!
God is faithful. This is just one of many testimonies JJ will have in his long life. Love you guys and glad you're back home.
Yay!!! Praise the Lord!!!!
Praise God!
Welcome home, JJ!
Aunty Polly
Hi Jonnique,
Didn't get to call you during this time, but we've been praying fervently for his lasting recovery and for you as parents. so, it's reallly great to hear the update about Joshua James. Tell Wes hello.
God bless, much love.
Aunt Bev and Uncle Darryl
We are so glad to hear that! Praise God.. He is so precious, ya'll are great and hope you get some rest and enjoy your family while they're here!!
~The Colemans
I am glad he is doing ok now, my prayers are with you, Love, Janet J
Yay! Praise God. Man he's so dang cute! I hope meet him soon!
Dear Wes and Jonnique,
Love your blog, dear Jonnique. Darling pictures, too. I AM SO VERY THANKFUL. God is so good.
With lots of love,
Jonniqe, We are S0 THANKFUL that Sir Joshua is home!!!! As Mothers,it's hard to see our babies not feeling well,BUT.. you are a strong, praying mama, and I thank My God for the strength that he has given to you. It's amazing how fast they grow. What a Beautiful,little Joshua he is. We can not wait to hold him.John and I may have to plan a trip to come visit you guys, before Joshua gets to that age,where he cries when unfamiliar people hold him.Thank God for the rolls that are forming on his little thighs.(Smile)Love you So Much!! Dad and Frances
He is absolutely one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!!! Adorable. Those eyes!
Thank God he is home and doing well. I love his little smiles in the pictures he looks so cute and happy. Sorry we didn't know sooner. Love to all!
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