I turned 28 today! I am so blessed to see another year. God has been so good to me this last year. It was one of the greatest but hardest years of my life. I experienced so much change in my life. The change of being a mother, a working mother, moving for the 6th time in my marriage,being promoted to a Charge Nurse, seeing my baby being hospitalized, seeing my younger sister being hospitalized, standing by my husband as he exited out of full-time ministry, and watching the Church that i had been a member of for 10 years come to an end. Change can sometimes be very hard, especially when all the change is happening at once(my 27th year). As I was reflecting with God the other day I became consumed with joy thinking about all the positive parts of my life that have been constant this last year. Things in my life that I depended on this last year despite what was going on around me. These areas all have one thing in common, the word Relationship. My relationship to God, my Wonderful Husband, my Great Family, and my Awesome close friends have blessed me over and over this last year. All these friends reside in San Diego(except 1). I do not know if I will have the chance to celebrate with them next year. So I decided to celebrate each one of them this year. Each one of these ladies have inspired me by who they are, what they have done for me, and what I have learned from them over the years of knowing them. I chose a word for each lady and presented them with a gift(a picture of them self in a magnet. With the word and definition posted on the picture). I also enclosed a letter to each one explaining why I chose that word, last but not least I enclosed some sweets for them. Once again ladies thank you! Looking at you and your life's have helped me make it victorious through this last year. No matter where I am in the future, you all will reside in my heart.
Woke up to this lovely card,roses, and breakfast on my birthday from my Husband! He blessed with $ to go get a pedicure, massage, and eyebrows done. He then took me out our favorite sushi place, dessert on Coronado Island, and then a romantic walk on the beach of Coronado. Thank you Honey! Thanks Ladonna for Babysitting!
Some of the lovely birthday cards I got for my Birthday!
My co-workers took me to the Hash-House for breakfast the 2days before my birthday!
Went to Buca the day before my birthday for dinner with some of my Special Friends. This is where I was able to give out some of the individual gifts that I made and with a small speech!
Here is a example of the magnet that I made for the my Special Friends. This is LaDonna's...
I used the word GIVER for L! She has always been someone that has given to me and so many others with such a beautiful heart. Where there is need Ladonna always takes the lead.
Yolanda is ENCOURAGER! This girl has been there for me in every major season in my life to encourage and root me on!
The word for Kris is THOUGHTFUL! Kris thinks about me all the time and makes me feels so special. Despite being a new MOMMY:)
Erin has been FAITHFUL in every area of her life. Faithful as a Woman of God, Wife, Mother, friend and so many other titles. She has blessed me by her faithful friendship in my life.
SWEET Ashley! Everything about Ashley is sweet, even her Husband. Ashley and her husband are always offering a sweet hand to help us in anyway that they possibly can.
DREAMER! Andrea is such a visionary. I get so excited about life and God when I here about what God shows her in visions and dreams.
PERSEVERER! Andrea has persevered in every area in her life and is so victorious. She continues to persevere to make sure our relationship keeps thriving.
Melissa is KIND. She has challenged me to give more to people with my $, time, and love. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met.
ANGEL! Emily is such a Angel and strong woman of God. She is also my co-worker and I always love it when I work with her. She brings so much peace to my life while I am at work.
THOUGHTFUL Kathy! Kathy is also my co-worker. I am challenged by how she thinks about her fellow co-workers, patients, family, and friends. She always has and makes the most thoughtful gestures.
COMPASSIONATE Meiko! I love this girl and her heart for people. She is always giving and trying to help those in need. I have seen her show so much compassion to her family and friends.
DRIVEN. Josie has so much drive to accomplish and do things in life. She works, goes to school, mothers, and is a great wife. She motivates me to not settle but keep on growing.
KIND Ute. Ute always has a smile on her face and is fast to jump to a favor you need of her. I love how her kindness is even shown with how she mothers her children.
HELPER. Tq has helped me and so many others in life. She has helped with opening up her house, her life, giving encouragement, advice, serving, and love.
LOVELY Nia. Everything about Nia is lovely from her looks, to her personality, her work ethic, and drive to accomplish in life.
TRUSTWORTHY Maria. This girl is a friend to so many because people trust her. People feel comfortable opening up to her. She has a peaceful and Godly spirit, which makes it so inviting to want to be around her.
These are the bags I presented the gifts! It says- A friend is forever and always.
I wrote something to all my Special Friends explaining why I chose the specific word for them.
Wanted to give them something sweet for their tummy!