We signed the Boy up for an 8 week basketball class through the Community Center. I do not know who was more excited for the class, Mr. Wonderful or the Boy!? Mr. Wonderful said it was always his dream to go to organized sporting events with the family and see his kids participate. We told the Boy about the class a week prior and he asked about the class everyday & multiple times a day!
All of our excitement made us make one mistake. We arrived too early and there was a class that was in session. JJ got his heart broken for a moment as we had to wait 10 minutes until he could touch the court.
When it was his time he was ready. He did not want to waist anytime with Mommy taking pictures to capture this memorable day.

The Coaches started the class off with Huddle Time. This is where every kid introduced themselves and shared their favorite color.
Then it was time to start class. It was so cute seeing my two guys on the court together.
The Coaches lead the kids in stretching,
learning about the baseline,
shuffling with proper arm extension, running forwards,
& backwards,
and listening while following simple directions.
There was even a water break. This is where Mr. Wonderful took time to encourage and compliment JJ on his good hustle.
Girl a.k.a the sideline Cheerleader enjoyed watching & attempted to run on the court a couple times.
During the drills the Boy looked to us for affirmation.
All the kids did excellent at following directions and
having a good & fun time! JJ was especially excited because his Playdate friend was in attendance!
After completing these fundamentals they finally got a chance to
shoot the basketball. It was adorable seeing the Tots shoot in the mini hoops.
My Boy was so focused and determined to make his baskets.
The class ended with Coach telling the kids that they did an awesome job for their first class and that she is looking forward to working with them in the upcoming weeks.
One of my favorites parts of the day was seeing the kids get in their circle and say
"Go Team!".
After the class JJ thought he was ready for the Big Hoop!