This week I made my first Valentines Advent Calendar! I am really looking forwards to Valentines Day. Are plans this year are not your traditional ones, but we will be together(without the kids)! To get the mood started right I decided it would be fun to countdown.
I bought 14 boxes of sweetheart candy (at 24cents each)and empty them into a wine bottle. I then slipped a single activity to do in each box of candy & numbered the boxes.
Dinner on patio after kids are asleep
Candles around the room with music
Over dinner think of new date ideas for 2013
Watch "Valentines Day" all cuddled up
Take a Valentines Self Portrait
Instead of texting send videos to each other for the day
Enjoy a dessert from a fancy Restaurant
Pick a time to pray for each other
Cookies in bed
Play our favorite card/board game at home or coffee shop
Eat heart shaped pancakes for breakfast
Dress each other in your favorite outfit
Happy VDay! Your in charge of activities today!
Mr. Wonderful does not know the specific tasks I have planned. He did say that he is looking forward to seeing what each box has in store for us!
Happy Love Month!!!